Our company provides investment consultancy services on solar energy. Regarding the place where you plan to install a solar power plant, we provide the following services;
Transformer Winding Tests
Our company performs winding and oven drying, maintenance, and tests of low voltage - medium voltage coils of distribution transformers between 50 - 2000 KVA.
Transformer Oils and Transformer Oil Treatment Tests
The condition of the oil and the isolation level must be kept under control in order for the transformer to maintain its operational performance in the factory setting. For this reason, oil tests should be done periodically (at least once a year) and insulation levels should be measured.
Mechanism Repairs of Breakers
All repairs in mechanisms are repaired under guarantee; mechanically worn parts are replaced with original parts, the performance of the on-off Springs is measured, and the parts of the mechanisms are lubricated.
Time Tests of Breakers
Time tests of cutters; opening time, closing time, opening-closing time, closing-opening time, opening-closing-opening time are performed. Mechanical tests of breakers; breaker stroke, ovel travel, bounceback, contact wipe, contact velocity tests are applied